Monday, July 19, 2010

Tips Before You Tweeze

  1. Before anything else, wash your hands and make sure you are using clean tweezers!
  2. Use a gentle face wash around the eyebrow area before (to remove excess oils n the face) and after (to keep newly exposed pores/follicles clean and clear) tweezing.
  3. Mark the shape/area that you want to tweeze with a white, chalky make-up pencil.
  4. Avoid tweezing the topside of your eyebrow (aside from a single hair that may grow from much higher than the rest), but rather use that shape and natural curve to tweeze the underside.
  5. Tweeze hairs one at a time to avoid accidentally removing too many and being left with an awkward bare patch.
  6. Do not tweeze too close to the mirror!  You ar more likely to overpluck and, because you are focused so cloely on a single brow, are also very ikely to pluck two different shapes.  This will only cause you to have to stress about evening and how you will cover up your mistakes- so take a step back!
  7. Having trouble getting rid of some of those smaler hairs?  Try dipping the tips of your tweezers in baby powder or your mineral make-up powder o provide a stronger grip.
  8. It's silly to have to say this, but there are some people who don't know that you should never try to shave or use a razor to "remodel" the shape of your eyebrows or if you are a first time tweezer and have a lot of work to do.
  9. After tweezing, if the eyebrow area is red or irritated, rest a cold compress, cucumber slices, or chilled green tea bags on he irritated area(s) to soothe and reduce irritation.

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